This book was recommended by a book on producing animated films to improve your drawing skills (along with a few others, I think one of them being "Drawing on the artist within", also by Betty Edwards, although I've never seen that one.)   I haven't tried the course in the book myself, but the examples of other students work (below) seem encouraging.   It has to be said, though, that the examples probably come from classroom work.   Its a different task altogether to teach yourself at home from a book!
The drawing course in the book is designed to help you draw using the right hemisphere of your brain - the side related to creativity.   The book is divided into a series of sections containing drawing exercises to help you develop your hidden artistic abilities!
The author, Betty Edwards is (in 1992) a full professor at the Art Department of the California State University.   The book cost £18.50 about 5 years ago.   I searched Amazon, and its about $15 - $22 (hardback).
The ISBN is 0-285-63070-9.
I'm not recommeding this book, as I haven't really used it as a drawing course, so I couldn't tell you if it works or not.   I'm just making you aware of it!   It looks good to me though.
Sorry about the scan quality - the cover was much too big for my puny hand scanner!   I had to put different scans together to make this image.
By student Kristen Koehler - Before: 2 February 1988, After: 6 May 1988
By student Timothy Sherer - Before: 1 September 1988, After: 12 Dec 1988
Other "Learn to draw" links
Don Bluth's "How to draw Anastasia"  (Part of the   Anastasia video site.)
PSYGRAPH STUDIO - Scroll down to the 'How to Draw' section (In the Japanese Anime / Manga style)
The Drawing Bookshelf- Learn to draw books for children
How to draw a head - A section of a site run by Jennie Brynildsen.   Scroll down her page for the link.
Some links found by the 'Ask Jeeves' search engine.
This page was created Thursday 3 September 1998