The Don Bluth Ring
If you have a site you'd like considered for inclusion in the ring please send your site's title, web address, your name or username as you'd like it to appear on the webring and your email address.   I'll take a look at it, then if there are no problems (and why would there be?!) I'll send an invitaiton to join through the Webring system.
Any page with a reasonable amount of material on Don Bluth, Gary Goldman, John Pomeroy, or any of the Bluth Brothers, and any of their works is OK.   Just as long as Don's in there somewhere!
This webring is rated "G" ("U" in the UK).   If any of your site's content is not of that rating it MUST have a warning to that effect before it is downloadable, and have a content ratings tag, such as the one run by ICRA on every non-"G" page on the site.
On your acceptance into the ring you can either copy the webring navigator code below, or I'll email it to you with your ring ID number, or alternatively if you prefer, I'll download your page's HTML and email it to you with the navigator code placed in it for you to upload to your server.   The navigator must be on the page with the Don Bluth material, not a links page.
Once you have submitted your details (which will go to the Webring system's "Pending" section until I check it's suitable for the ring) you MUST email me.   I don't always seem to hear about it when there is a site pending, and I don't want to keep anyone waiting...   Nobody likes to be kept waiting, do they?! :-)
Don Bluth ring page is owned by JR . |
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This site was created Sunday 7 November 1999