The Animated Films of Don Bluth
The cover of the book - its only colour picture! (My copy is a little wrinkled around the edges!) The cover features Dirk the Daring, The Princess Daphne, and Singe the Dragon from Bluth's Laserdisc game "Dragons Lair".Don Bluth working with one of the main animators, Larry Leker. The scene in the background is the scene where the camera pans across the kitchen, where Mrs Brisby is held in the birdcage.
The Authour of this book is JOHN CAWLEY (who also contributed to the "Exposure Sheet" newletters - see Steve Vanden-Eykel's page in the 'links' section.) The book was published in 1991 by Image Publishing of New York. A correspondance address was included on the inside cover: 2083 Hempstead Turnpike, Suite 150, East Meadow, New York 11554.
Reference is made to another book company where you may have some luck getting the book: Get Animated! PO Box 1458, Burbank, CA 91507. GET ANIMATED! ASK FOR A STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO GUARANTEE A REPLY! The Don Bluth book was $14.95 in 1991. I got mine in the UK through a comic shop in 1993. The comic shop ordered through "Previews", a catalogue available in comic shops for about $2. Previews 'Home Office' address is: 1718 Belmont Ave, Baltimore, MD 21207
The Book is paper-backed, has around 160 pages, and all the pictures are black & white. ISBN No. 0-9627508-5-3